Sunday, September 7, 2008

I don't even know where to begin...

Did I mention that I'm in love with Japan? :) Positively enamoured. Today was our first full day, and I think I was smiling every moment.

After a morning of Japanese calesthenics, followed by brunch at the "Felix the Cat Cafe", Rachael and I eagerly went high and low on Tokyo public transit (monorail and subway). We were on a mission to find the Odaiba neighborhood on Tokyo Bay...for the sole purpose of riding one of the world's largest ferris wheels (takes 16 minutes to go around once). :) Thanks to the fabulous Tokyo transit system (which is amazingly easy to navigate) the quest was compltely glitch-free. We even had some extra time to explore the beautiful area around the bay, watch an outdoor wedding, wander through an indoor Toyota theme park (where those fortunate enough to have international drivers licenses can test-drive prototypes on an indoor track), AND grab ice cream sundaes (which were created on a foundation of Rice Krispies, much to our surprise...strange, but tasty!). We made it back to the hotel shortly after 3:00 to meet Samia & Alice, pick up our bags, and catch yet another train down to Yokohama.

This photo is a panoramic shot that I took from our hotel balcony in Yokohama...amazing. They apparently love their ferris wheels (as do I).

Meanwhile, I've been trying to learn how to properly bow (I tend to naturally want to curtsey...and already received a giggle from a young girl because of it :)). It's such a refreshing and pleasant custom. I think I'll try it at home. :)

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